Viewed Through the Lens:
G is for Generations
The G is for Generations photo exhibit ran in 2010 at the Family History and Genealogy Center. It featured photographs of three or more generations of families that included a Danish immigrant.
Here we have a selection of the multi-generational family photographs of Danish immigrants and their American descendants along with their names and some background information.
Virgil Hansen, confirmed in Elk Horn Lutheran Church, 1943
Unidentified young woman, Kolding, Vejle County, 1870s
Unidentified young woman, confirmed in Iowa, ca. 1900
Unidentified young woman, Aabenraa, Denmark (then Schleswig, Germany), ca. 1885
Unidentified young man, Christianshavn, Copenhagen County, 1870s
Unidentified young man and probable siblings, Flensburg, Schleswig, probably ca. 1870s
Unidentified confirmation group, Iowa, ca. 1890s
Thyra Müller Rasmussen, confirmed in Immanuel Lutheran Church, Kimballton, Iowa, 1918
Haakon & Ida Stadsvold, confirmed at Oak Hill Lutheran Church, west of Brayton, Iowa, ca. 1924
Gerda Martine Vadsager (Wadsager), confirmed in Bethany Lutheran Church, Spencer, Iowa, 1921
Harry William Lindorff, confirmed in Alden, Minnesota, 1928
Henning "Palle" Jakobsen, confirmed in Bandholm Kirke, Lolland, Denmark, 1960
Immanuel Nielsen, confirmed in Ebenezer Methodist Church, Nexø, Bornholm, 1917
Inga Hildur Maria Bak-Jensen, confirmed in Kastellet parish, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1949
Karen Sofie Johansen, confirmed in Hyllinge parish, Sorø County, 1905
Niels Kristian Thorvald Mousing Jensen, confirmed in Aarhus Domkirke (Cathedral), 1915
Pastor Anders Hansen, Maple Valley, Oconto County, Wisconsin
Rigmor Else Johanne Rasmussen, confirmed in Ringe parish on the island of Funen in 1913
Sune Schønnemann, Denmark
Confirmation Classes - Confirmation Fashions, Elk Horn Lutheran Church over 50 years
Andrew Nelson (Anders Nielsen) Christiansen, Hampton, Nebraska, 1906
Andy, Kai and Osa Nyby, confirmed in Hope Lutheran Church in Portage, Indiana
Ane Margrethe Kristine Jensen (aka. Nielsen), confirmed in Klim parish, Thisted County, 1903
Anena "Nina" Caroline Carlsen, confirmed in Kennard, Nebraska, 1920
Anna Rasmussen, confirmed in Ajstrup parish, Aalborg County, 1930
Annette Rahbek Floystrup (Fløjstrup), confirmed in Immanuels Church, Kolding, Denmark, 1964
Betty Louise Starr, confirmed in Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Chicago, Illinois, June 9, 1946
Confirmation Class, St. Peter Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church, Detroit, 1939
"Eleenore," Denmark, location unknown, 1877
David Johnson, confirmed in Immanuel Lutheran Church, Harlan, Iowa, 1965
Edele Ruth Johanne Larsen, confirmed in Rødby, Maribo County, Denmark, 1940
Elisabeth Marie Larsen and sister, Lora Ingrid Larsen, confirmed in Holden, Alberta, Canada, 1933
Elna Ragnhild Jensen, confirmed in Femø Kirke, Maribo County , Denmark, 1923
Erna Claire Jensen, confirmed in St. John's Lutheran Church, Cozad, Nebraska, 1948
Estella & Luvella Nielsen, Spring Valley Lutheran Church, Turner County, South Dakota, 1914
Fanny Hilda, Freda Bertha, and Godfred H. Hansen, Exira, Iowa
Frederikke Amalie Lynggaard, confirmed in Farum church, Frederiksborg County, 2013